My Backyard: Evidence of Things to Come.

It has been so wet, grey and plain dreary weather-wise lately. Here we are, just over half way through August, and winter is still very much literally showering us with it's presence almost daily.

Already though, there is some evidence of things perhaps being about to turn the corner, possibly some time in the not too distant future.

There is leaf bud waiting to burst on a number of trees! Plus, I have actually also seen a number of clusters of daffodils in gardens and along fences, etc, when travelling out and about.

What else says springtime is going to be arriving fairly soon, like leaf bud and an early daffodil or three?! What colourful joy awaits us all soon!

I am very much looking forward to springtime. I am looking forward to more days of sunshine. I am looking forward to being able to spend more time actually planning and planting out hoped for garden crops. I am looking forward to more colour being present, rather than all the greys, whites, stark browns and bland colours that are so characteristic of wintertime.

It is surely time for winter to soon end.  The cold, the rain, the greys, the ice, the fog, the wind, the darkness....... it is so monotonously repetitive.

Please come soon, Springtime. Your colourful, warm, happy presence is most keenly wanted!

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